Sometime during baseball season
Subject Matter:
Weather patterns lab
Course/Grade Level:
Science 6, 7, 8, and Earth Science
Lesson Title:
The weather, the
lake, and US Steel Yard
Time Period:
5 Days (much longer for science fair projects)
Objectives: The students
will be able to (SWBAT):
Indiana Science Standard 6.2.3 Select
tools, such as cameras and tape recorders, for capturing information.
Indiana Science Standard 6.2.5 Organize information in simple tables and graphs and identify relationships they reveal. Use
tables and graphs as examples of evidence for explanations when writing essays or writing about lab work, fieldwork, etc.
Indiana Science Standard 6.3.9 Illustrate that the cycling of water in and out of the atmosphere
plays an important role in determining climatic patterns.
Indiana Science Standard 6.3.12 Describe ways human beings protect themselves from adverse weather conditions.
Indiana Science Standard 7.1.2 Explain that what people expect to
observe often affects what they actually do observe and provide an example of a solution to this problem.
Indiana Science Standard 7.2.7 Incorporate circle charts, bar and line graphs, diagrams, scatter plots, and symbols into writing,
such as lab or research reports, to serve as evidence for claims and/or conclusions.
Indiana Science Standard 7.7.3 Describe how physical and biological systems tend to change
until they reach equilibrium and remain that way unless their surroundings change.
Indiana Science Standard 8.2.8 Use tables, charts, and graphs in making arguments and claims in, for example, oral and written presentations
about lab or fieldwork.
Indiana Science Standard 8.2.9 Explain why arguments are invalid if based on very small samples
of data, biased samples, or samples for which there was no control sample.
Indiana Science Standard 8.5.6 Explain that a single example can never prove that something
is always true, but it could prove that something is not always true.
Indiana Science Standard 8.5.7 Recognize and describe the danger of making over-generalizations
when inventing a general rule based on a few observations.
Science Standard ES.1.16 Investigate the causes of severe weather, and propose
appropriate safety measures that can be taken in the event of severe weather.
Materials/Equipment/Technology/Resources Needed:
At the game:
Pencil, notepad, and digital camera. Transportation and tickets to Gary Southshore Railcats baseball game.
In the classroom:
Computer access for each student, Microsoft Word software, LCD projector (optional) for teacher's computer.
Display boards for science fair projects.
Procedures for meeting objectives:
The intention of this field lab is to observe and record
the wind direction and cloud formations near US Steel Yard (Railcats stadium). Why
conduct this field lab from US Steel Yard? What better place to do scientific
research if not from a great ballpark located blocks from a huge inland sea (Lake Michigan)? Large bodies
of water like Lake
Michigan help
drive our weather patterns.
(Science 6.3.9, 7.7.3) Temperature affects water in the
air. Warm air causes liquid water to gain energy and evaporate into water vapor,
a gas. Water vapor eventually loses energy and condenses into droplets or other
liquid or solid forms. When evaporation and condensation are balanced, the air
is saturated. Evaporation and condensation have reached equilibrium. At this height of the atmosphere, clouds form. This equilibrium
(or saturation) remains until a change occurs, such as a rain downpour or the clouds dissipate.
(Science 6.3.12, ES 1.16)
Look for the presence of cumulonimbus clouds. Severe weather is often
associated with these clouds. Identify the lightning rods located on the highest
points in the ballpark. Notice the overhang over the concourse area to protect
fans in the event of a sudden downpour. Can you identify other measures at the
ballpark to protect fans against adverse weather conditions?
(Science 6.2.3, 6.2.5, 7.2.7, 8.2.8) The steel mill is to the north of US Steel Yard ballpark. Lake Michigan is north of the steel mill. North is toward left and left-center field, therefore the students should look in that direction when making
their observations. Suggestion: Use a digital camera to photograph the
sky in the direction of the steel mill each inning. Back in the classroom, make
a table and insert the photos in corresponding rows of the table and describe the sky during each inning. Enhance lab reports by using the appropriate graph types to display comparisons.
(Science 7.1.2, 8.2.9, 8.5.6, 8.5.7) Possible science fair project: If the student observer already
knows what to look for, then the observer may only record observations when air pollution is visible. A solution to this problem is to have the student record observations without knowing why the student is making observations. Several trips to the ballpark
will have to be made to gather enough data for a science fair project. A single
trip to the ballpark can never prove that a body of water like Lake Michigan helps drive our weather patterns. There may be no clouds in the sky that day.
However, a single trip CAN prove Lake Michigan doesn’t
always help drive our weather patterns if no clouds are observed that day. Students
must be made aware of the dangers of making over-generalizations when reaching conclusions on the lake’s role in our
weather patterns.
Student Assessment Procedures:
Students will be assessed using a five-point rubric on
how well the objections were met in their lab observations. Student understanding
will also be assessed through a possible science fair project based on variations of this lab.